Planning for the 2020 Harvest Season
Article published on: Feb 03
It’s the end of another harvest season, and it’s also the start of a brand new decade. As we turn over the page into a new year and a new harvest, we’re all about looking for ways to improve next year’s harvest for each and every farmer across North America.
The 2019 farm study provides a great blueprint for looking back on the 2019 season to plan for 2020. Almost a thousand farmers across North America were interviewed for the study, and we were all able to get a closer look at successes and disappointments from the past season.
Across the board, many farmers reported crop issues from the weather as well as massive bottlenecks due to a lack of labour. From improving the efficiency of time to helping increase farm storage, planning on the addition of grain bagging is a great way to add value, profit and ease to your 2020 season.
Planning to bag your grain can improve your harvest
When planning for 2020’s harvest season, we know you’re looking for ways to improve your output and increase your production satisfaction. By bagging your grain, you’re able to help take advantage of the weather, harvest more acres and store grain directly onsite. Here’s how grain bagging can help you make the best of your 2020:
- Grain bagging won’t give you control of the weather, but it does allow you to take advantage of it. When you bag your grain, you’re able to get your crops stored in the bags faster than using any other storage method. By grain bagging, you’re able to better protect your crop from the elements
- Storing grain can be difficult, cumbersome and space-consuming. With grain bagging, you’re able to store your crop directly on your own land
Grain bagging helps reduce labour costs
A giant bottleneck for many farmers during the 2019 season — reported by 29% of farmers studied in the 2019 farm study — was labour. With grain bagging, you’re able to do more on-site and with less work to reduce overhead and labour costs. In planning for 2020, adding grain bags to the equation can put you on top.
With grain bags, your harvest capacity almost immediately increases. The on-site storage — and an unlimited amount of it — gives you the opportunity to reduce labour and transport
Grain bagging reduces labour requirements at harvest, letting you save money and increase your output
As you’re making your New Year’s resolutions and setting your 2020 intentions, consider adding grain bagging to your harvest equation when planning for the 2020 season. By reducing labour and increasing ease, you’re able to take advantage to make your season the best yet.