Get Flexible Storage Solutions with Grain Bagging
Article published on: Jun 10
Grain bagging is an impressive and novel technology for grain storage. In comparison, grain bins are permanent structures that can hold a large number of grain bushels. They can store grain safely for long periods of time, but they are costly to build and take a far greater deal of time for farmers and workers to transport grain and return to the field.
Ultimately, grain bags will save you time, money and manpower during a busy harvest season, and as many farmers know–time is money. The more you can save with flexible grain storage, the better. Unlike storage bins, grain bags can be kept in the harvest field, which cuts down on transport time going back and forth with harvested grain and loading it into bins.
Grain bags as an asset for farmers who plan to farm more acres
According to the 2018 Farm Journal survey, 35 percent of farmers said they plan to farm more acres in the future. In 2017, 38 percent of farmers said the same, and in 2016 it was 35 percent. Over time, more and more farmers regularly plan on farming more acres of land.
Source: Ag Professional: Top 10 Things Farmers Wished They'd Have Done In 2018, January 2018
In contrast, only 6 percent of farmers said they plan to farm fewer acres in the 2018 survey. Fifteen percent said they plan to retire or rent their land. Compared to those numbers, several more farmers are working toward extending the number of acres farmed in the coming years, meaning they need more accessible storage solutions.
If they only have a set amount of grain bins available, they won’t be able to farm more acres unless they switch to a more flexible grain storage option. Grain bagging is far more affordable than investing money into permanent storage infrastructure.
More than 10 percent of farmers said they wish they had added additional grain storage last year, but it takes time and a good amount of money to build grain bins. The tax burden of building new grain storage infrastructure is another setback of constructing more grain bins. With more permanent storage infrastructure, your taxes are bound to increase.
How does grain bagging work?
It can be intimidating to change to a new method of harvesting and storing grain. Luckily, grain bagging is a simple, efficient, and time-saving process that allows farmers to harvest more grain more quickly and effectively.
Grain baggers are located in the field during harvest where combines, grain carts and trucks can unload directly into the bags holding approximately 15,000+ bushels of grain. After the bags are sealed, the oxygen levels decrease while carbon dioxide increases. This improves the management of fungal diseases and insects with no use of chemicals, lowering labour efforts, as well as improving profits.
You can store the bags directly in the field, which reduces the use of transport trucks. Grain bagging allows greater convenience for harvest season across all fronts, and dry grains can be stored effectively for up to a year or longer.
Additional benefits of grain bagging
Grain bags allow harvest to keep moving, and farmers have the flexibility to manage harvest setbacks, including poor weather or problems with transportation. Harvest storage is also brought directly into the field, which increases harvest productivity.
Additionally, farmers have more control over planning commodity marketing to market grains for top dollar. They no longer need to waste money on transportation fleet vehicles or extra labour, either.
For farmers who rent land, they no longer need to spend money on permanent storage solutions. They have an unlimited amount of storage capacity for high yield crops or for those who wish to farm more acres in the coming years.
If there are weather setbacks and farmers need to harvest early or late in the season, grain bagging allows for a fast harvest and efficient storing during thrown off schedules. Grain bags are reliable and maintain the grain quality, while also freeing up valuable harvest time.
For more information about grain bagging products and machines, get in touch with Pro Grain Equipment for details on how you can begin saving time and money next harvest season. Operating the most efficient harvest possible is key to a successful harvest season, and we would be honoured to support you in making the switch to a flexible and effective storage solution.